
Photo of Jack Arnett


Check-In Options

After creating a check-in test with group, location and all-day schedule, the check-in program just recycles to the same options page when I hit OK.  What am I doing wrong?

*You'll see me back.  I am having many issues with labels.  I need to get a test area working first! :-)

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    So I'm still a bit confused at your config. Do you 1. Have a group/location defined under your checkin test area, and 2. Have the checkin test area selected on the kiosk?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Are you selecting the "Check-in Test Area" on the kiosk options page?

  • Photo of Jack Arnett


    Configuration is check-in test.  Check-in area is pre-school test.

  • Photo of Jack Arnett


    I have it working, Jim.  Thanks for the help.  Unfortunately, I changed so many things...