
Photo of Debi Otto


Group Security

We are in our test site and only the Admin can edit/add/etc groups. What security role and/or permission provides other staff to have this ability? I can't seem to find it
  • Photo of Jim Michael


    The intention here is that you would create your own roles, as (presumably) you will have a group tree with different ministries etc at the top of the tree that you don't want all staff to be able to edit. Here we've created various "RSR - Group Admin-[Ministry]" roles that we then give edit rights to various top-level (minitry-level) groups. That said, if you just want all staff to be able to edit all groups you can give the existing RSR - Staff Workers role edit rights to your group viewer page.

  • Photo of Debi Otto


     Thank you Jim.

    Each of the group staff leaders have the RSR- STaff Workers security role.  How do I tie this specifically to the group viewer page. ?

    Many thanks for your help!


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Debi- If you want to give RSR-Staff Workers role rights to the entire group viewer and all groups within, just go to the Group Viewer page (as admin), click the lock in the admin toolbar at the bottom (this will let you adjust the rights for the page you're on), then add the staff role to the Edit tab, like so

    Note that this is probably not how you want to run permanently, though, since all staff (or anyone in that role) will be allowed to edit any and all groups. Most churches break their groups up into a hierarchy of different ministries and then create new roles to allow people in those ministries to edit their own groups.