
Photo of Winata Bambang Bie


Ugly login screen

Hi. I just finished installing RockRMS, but the login page look like this

How can I fix this ?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    It looks like the css file (at least) is not loaded. So the admin bar may not be available for restarting and refreshing the cache. So I would recommend that you start by going to IIS and stopping the site and then starting it again. Force your browser to reload from the server (usually by holding ctrl while refreshing, you may have to do this twice). That's the easy solution =)

    If that doesn't work, verify that /Themes/Rock/Styles/bootstrap.css and /Themes/Rock/Styles/theme.css are available and have contents (they should download so you can open them in Notepad if you add those paths to the end of your rock installation).

    Let us know what you find

  • Photo of Winata Bambang Bie


    Hi Michael, its already solved.

    I installed rockRMS on windows 7 Ultimate and when I install IIS 7.5, I forgot to activate "static content". Thanks for the clue

    • Michael Garrison

      So glad to hear it. Be sure to let us know if you run into more questions :) Go ahead and mark your own answer as the answer for this question

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    I've had this on my local servers also but it generally fixes its self after a little while.