
Photo of Keith Pavia


Email Template


Has anyone created an email templates that they would be willing to share?  Or, let me know what I can use to create or modify the sample.

  • Photo of DJ Grick


    Have you checked out  It's the recomendation of the Communicating with Rock manual. 

    I have played with templating some but my main goal was branding e-mails to match each ministry. Our church, youth ministry, childrens ministry, and growth track process all have a little different feel to the messages we send. 

    What are you looking for in a template? 

  • Photo of Keith Pavia


    Thanks DJ.

    I have looked at those email templates and have installed one of them.  I am not a web developer, so just try to learn.  I think we would probablly like to do the sale thing as you are doing.  Create different templates for the vraious ministries/groups.  The ones I looked at on that site, did not thrill me, but I dont think that they were intended to :)   Since they are just examples.

    Are you creating your by manually coding, or are you using software to create yours?

    • DJ Grick

      Keith, I am far from a web developer also. I would agree with you that the examples are not impressive, but they are well written and a great starting place. I am using them as my base for the templates I am making. To be honest I think the easiest thing to do is just switch back and forth between WYSIWYG and the source editor making a few little changes a time. That way you can see what is happening. For code I don't know off the top of my head (which is a lot) I use as a reference.

      On a similar but different topic are you working to build a team around you to help with Rock? If not I would encourage you to keep your eyes and ears open in your church for people who can help. It took me a few years of looking and asking around to find people willing to step up with anything technology related but in my case it was because I would scare them away. They wanted to help in small ways, I just kept casting my BIG vision to them and they figured helping would be a second job. Now I cast big vision in under 30 second and right away switch to a small slice that I am looking for help with. That approach has been a HUGE help.

    • Keith Pavia

      Thank you! Great advice. Yes, we are looking for people to help, but this system will be new to anyone, and will require some time to learn the in and outs, right?

  • Photo of Steven Miori


    Here's a html template I created that works in Rock's wizard editor..

    You'll see a bit of lava in there. Feel free to carve it up. In the footer, I'm using lava to send different icon links to the reader based on their campus. This is a newsletter template I created. Images should be 600pixels in width to work well on ALL platforms, I've noticed that Outlook on PCs is really picky, so if your images are larger than 600pixels in this template, they'll be resized on most devices, but NOT outlook (on PC).

    Creating really nice flexible templates that work well in the wizard and perform on all email clients is extremely tough. I wish there was a way to access more templates from the community that are wizard compatible.

    Good luck!