
Photo of Keith Pavia


entering families from external website

What is the best way to add families, the admins or letting them go to the external website.


  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hi Keith,

    Usernames can be added by finding the individual (in a name search).  Person Page - Security Tab - User Accounts - "+" to add an account.

    You will also want to add a group.  For example, the built-in "Staff" group will give that user access to the internal Site as well as many areas Staff would need. To add people to groups, go to RockRMS - Admin Tools - Security - Security Roles and after opening the Role, add the individual(s).

    I hope that helps

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff



    If I understand your question correctly .  . .

    Out of the box, RockRMS has an "internal" site, and an "external" site.  Most churches would use the internal site for their church record and relationship managmeent... and since this is already setup to handle searching and family creation, you're good to go.

    The external site would be a great way to get people to key their own data.  For example, let's say you were just starting with RockRMS and didn't feel comfortable importing data... i.e. you want to start fresh... in such cases you might announce one weekend to your congration go "go to this website and setup your information."  The upside: ownerhip and buy-in from the congregation.  The downside?  people invaribly don't care about the data as much as you, so some data will be incomplete.

    However, in the long run, your church will want to have processes to handle both situations.. 

    I hope that helps,

  • Photo of Keith Pavia


    Thanks Jeremy!

    I was really trying to find out how to add internal users who are also going to be part of a family.  So, if I add the Pastor and his family and then want to give the Pastor Admin rights, what is the best way to do that?  Right now he and his family are in the system and I have given him admin rights, but he does not have a username and password.

    I have added myself and another and each time I have ended up with duplicate records?  I hope I am making sense..

  • Photo of Keith Pavia


    I also meant to add, that I see no way to add a username and password for him

  • Photo of Keith Pavia


    Thank you Jeremy!  That was exactly what I was looking for.