
Photo of Ben Blood


Member Directory

I'm trying to understand how to use Rock as an online member direcotory for members, not just Rock Admin. Is this possible? 

  • Photo of Frank Grand


    Yes, you can.  You would just need to provision all your members with user accounts and then put them in security roles to see the information you want them to see.  Does that make sense?  If you want to create a member directory to make available, you can check out this thread:

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    ...or create just a SINGLE user (say "Congregation Member") that you've locked down to read-only access of just the pages you want them to have access to (maybe even a separate site with only the requisite 2 or 3 pages to keep security "clean" in your Admin site, and distribute the username and password of that one account to all your members offline- say in your weekend bulletin/program/worship folder/flyer/whatever.