
Photo of Michael Hanna


Installation error

The start.aspx stops when checking for the internet. I have contacted my hosting company and they couldn't help.


  • Photo of Hock_Hin Lee


    1. Can you test the Internet connection by using a web browser to the site ?

    2. Have you tried clicking the blue button "Lets fix it together"

  • Photo of Michael Hanna


    Thanks for your answer.

    The website is not installed on a localhost. It is installed on a CrazyDomain website. I spoken to Crazy Domain tech support by they did not help as RockRMS is a third party application.

    The button does not lead to anything, it reloads the same page again with the same error.

    • Hock_Hin Lee

      This is an extract from the manual "Rock Solid External Hosting"

      Base Requirements

      No matter what host or package you choose, it must meet the following requirements:

      Windows: This will be the largest filter for vendors. Do they provide Windows web hosting?
      IIS 8: Ensure your vendor supports IIS 8 with full-trust.
      ASP.Net: Version 4.5.1 (or better)
      SQL Server 2012/2014: Be sure that the package you select is for Microsoft SQL Server (not MySql) and that it provides enough space for your database (recommendations below).

      I am not sure if Crazy Domain Web Hosting is providing such services. Not every Web Hosting company provides all this