
Photo of Manny Prieto


Background Check Workflow -Get SSN

I'm trying to setup the PMM Background Check workflow to automatically fill in the SSN from the Person. I tried to do this the same way that the Person was set from the Entity, but it keeps returning errors instead of setting it. The SSN is an encrypted attribute and our preference would be to not have the Requestor have to manually enter it. Any ideas on how to get this set up properly?

  • Eddie Holeman

    Manny, hope you don't mind a comment here. We do not hold any SSNs in Rock beyond the processing of the background check request. We believe that maintaining that info in the person profile adds to our potential liability with all those bad guys out there. So, we ask the person to manually enter it each time they need to renew their background check.

  • Photo of Manny Prieto


    Eddie, thanks for that. If I'm honest, I would much rather do it the way you describe for the same reasons. Do you mind sharing your workflow for that particular action(s). I would love to set ours up the same way and not store any SSN's in Rock.