
Photo of Shawn Edmonds


Twilio Replies

I've been trying to get SMS replies to work for some days now and it is not working. I am able to send just fine, but the SMS reply is not coming back into Rock. 

Anytime a reply is received, an error message occurs saying that the message body was empty. When I reached out to Twilio, they gave the following explanation:

When messages come in, they hit this URL: http://{myURL}/Webhooks/TwilioSMS.ashx 

That URL instructs Twilio what to do next, and we are receiving this TwiML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Response> <Message /> </Response>

This is invalid TwiML with <Message /> but no message body. If you do not want to reply with a message, this TwiML should resolve this error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Response> </Response>

I double checked SMS pipelines to ensure we had the SMS Conversations configured for incoming messages and it looks correct. I'm unsure what else to do. Any help is appreciated. 

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    You might ask about this in as I'm not familiar with the details, but I'm 99% sure that error is a red herring and not the actual cause of your issue. Even on systems working fine (getting replies) the error happens due to some API change at Twilio (I think). If you're not getting replies, it's for some other reason.