
Photo of Marlon Dyce


Commas in Multi-Select Field List

Apologies if this has already been asked as I did not see it when I ran a search.

I would like to create a Multi-Select which contains items with commas in them.

Option 1 - Apples, Pears & Peaches
Option 2 - Oranges, Tangerines & Grapefruits

Of course, typing the options like this (Apples, Pears & Peaches, Oranges, Tangerines & Grapefruits) will give me a Multi-Select like this:

Option 1 - Apples
Option 2 - Pears & Peaches
Option 3 - Oranges
Option 4 - Tangerines & Grapefruits

How can I have commas appear inside a Multi-Select option?

I tried quoting with single and double quotes with no success. I also tried using , which DOES work for the normal Multi-Select but NOT with the 'Enhanced for Long Lists' option (which I need because it is a LONG list).

For now, I'm using semi-colons. It looks weird though.

Option 1 - Apples; Pears & Peaches
Option 2 - Oranges; Tangerines & Grapefruits 

Any possible solutions?

  • Photo of Nick Airdo


    That Multi-Select field type is specifically built to use the regular comma (,) as the item deliminator.  There is another kind of comma character (similar to the Microsoft "smart quote") that visually looks like a comma but is special.  It's called the Full Width Comma (,) which you can copy and paste, and although it's a bit odd looking, it may be less odd than using the semi-colon.  It looks like this in use:


  • Photo of Marlon Dyce


    Looks like a good workaround.

    Interesting to use a Unicode character commonly used for text with Asian characters. Would not have thought of that in normal circumstances.

    Thank you.