
Photo of Marcie Rempel


New Security Role for Room Management Plugin

I thought I should ask this on the support link for the RR plugin but they said to come here and ask. I've tried Rocket Chat as well with no response on this particular issue. I needed to create a new security role to allow our school staff (not part of our staff workers) to book rooms in the building through the room management system. I've added them to every block and page I can think of but they aren't allowed to make a new reservation. They can get to the new reservation detail block but this is what they see. Capture.JPG

The edit button is visible, but when clicked it says 'An error has occurred while processing your request. You organization's administrators have been notified of this problem.'

I've checked to see if the Entity itself needed to be changed (added the role to the security of the Entity) but it does not look like it. What am I missing?

  • Photo of Marcie Rempel


    I received this answer on Rocket Chat. 'we found the security did not work per reservation type. Instead, edit access is determined for all of them by the security set on the delivered ReservationTypeID=1. (I can't remember what it is called, we changed the name.) If they have edit access there, they can create a new reservation and select any reservation type you have created.'