
Photo of Andrew Metz


Check in Label Parent Cell

I'd like to be able to print parent names and cell #s on the Notes Label for Children's check-in.

I know there's the Parent filter in Lava. And I wrote some Lava that works elsewhere but not in a label merge field. Do Person Filters not work in Label merge fields?

{% assign parents = Person | Parents %}{% for person in parents %}{{ person.FullName }} {% for PhoneNumber in person.PhoneNumbers %} {% if PhoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled == 'true' %} {{ PhoneNumber.NumberFormatted }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}

  • Photo of Lee Peterson


    If you’re on v7, this might help. The Person filter should be fixed in 7.4. 

    We print a phone number on kids’ labels, and worked around the bug by using Person.Id instead of Person. Maybe that would work for you.