
Photo of Jordan Cecile


Individual Giving Statements

Is it possible to output giving statements for an individual and not for a family?

We are looking to move to Rock but we need to be able to provide giving statements for each person who contributes. 

Also, is it possible to only include a total for the year and not each weeks contribution?

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Jordan,

    To the question about individual giving statements, Rock operates around "giving units". If two people in the family are set to contribute together, then they are treated as a single giving unit and would get a single statement. If, however, they are set to have their own giving units then their giving would be separate and they would get individual statements. Be aware that this changes other functionality in Rock related to giving. For example, if you set for individual giving and then try to run a query to see who has giving >$1,000 this year, it will likely only return one spouse and not both even though your report would probably be intended to get both.

    Usually, you would set everybody to combine their giving in a family and if somebody calls and asks for it to be separated you would separate it. But that is, as far as I know, the only way to generate individual statements instead of family/"giving unit" statements.

    In v7 or with the new statement generator plugin I believe you would be able to customize the Lava so it only showed a year end total instead of each individual gift. Just be aware that most people want/need the individual gifts to show up for tax purposes.

  • Photo of Jordan Cecile


    Hi Daniel, 

    Thanks for the help. 

    How would we separate people so they are part of their own giving unit?

    And in Canada we only need the total for the year, not each contribution instance.

    • Ken Roach

      Hi Jordan. Did you get this sorted? New Zealand is the same: we only need the total. Let me know if you still need help. Ken

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    If you edit a person in Rock, at the very bottom of the edit screen is an Advanced Settings section. In there is where you can change the "combine giving" status.