
Photo of Colt Melrose


Adult Attendance and Weekly Commitments Tracking - Without requiring check-in

We are a church of around 2500 and we are working on transitioning to ROCK. One roadblock I've run into is the Data Entry for our weekly Adult attendance and weekly commitments we ask them to make in response to that week's message. Currently, we collect that info on a paper card and volunteers input those cards within Fellowship 1. Then they have to go back through and reenter the attendance data as there is no way to assume attendance based on the input of a commitment.

We plan to develop a digital "card" form that will allow attendees to complete the "card" using their mobile device if they want, and have that info automatically connect to the individual's profile, but in the interim, we will need some way to record that attendance and commitment data, and then be able to sort by those commitments to be able to follow up with those individuals, based on their commitments.

Any help is welcomed and if there is documentation or videos that can help guide me, that would be great.

Colt Melrose
Parkway Fellowship

  • Photo of Colt Melrose


    Daniel, do you have any more info on v7?

    The commitments change each week. They are responses to the message that would include things like "God, Show me how to love people, even when I don't agree with them."  We then assign the group of people who select a particular commitment to one of our pastors who follows up with those people later in the week to check in on how they did with that, as well as provide additional resources that might help them.

    Some commitments might be them signing up for a particular event, or class, which ultimately we want to connect to Event Registration. We also collect static data each week like "Send me info about Baptism" and others. Those we will work into automated workflows to provide info immediately.

    We can only collect actual attendance on those who complete the card, and we have about 70% return from our headcount attendance, but we are hoping that with the digital card, we can increase that percentage. With anywhere from 400-800 attendees in each service, that's a lot of boxes to check, so we are hoping there is a way to automate that checkbox in the process of collecting the commitment data.

    Thanks everyone for your help.

    • Daniel Hazelbaker

      The block I mentioned lets you select a Group, Schedule and Location to take attendance in. Then you select the Date you are taking attendance for and have a Person Picker to do quick search for people and when you select somebody it marks them as attended. It's pretty fast, probably will go as fast as your people can type in a name. This will handle the "we want to take attendance for adults" portion.

      The commitment data can be taken care of various ways. One would be to create a Group for each "commitment" and add people to that group (this would be for things like your first paragraph example). Another way, which fits better for things like "Send me info about Baptism" would be a workflow setup as a Person action, so on a person detail screen the "Actions" drop down would include that workflow. You search for person, hit that action and it starts all the processing you want done.

      I would suggest splitting the process into two phases. 1) Enter attendance data from the cards; then 2) process any checkboxes. We actually use a single workflow on the person details action menu for all our checkboxes. You fire the workflow, it asks you what all checkboxes the user ticked and then it processes each as necessary. i.e. "If they checked the baptism box, fire off the baptism workflow. If they checked the membership info box, fire off the membership workflow." etc.

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    There is also a block coming in v7 that simplifies taking attendance for adults as rapidly as possible.

  • Photo of Thomas Stephens


    Hello Colt,

    For purely tracking numbers the Rock has a Metrics area. These metrics are not attached to any individuals. So your follow up might be hard. But you could keep track of attendance and pure number of people that did each commitment.

    I am sure there is a way to keep track of these commitments and tie them to an individual but I will wait until someone else chimes in. Maybe in an "Extended Attribute", if there are not a lot of commitments during the year. If you haven't yet, hope on the Rock demo site they have and you can play with the Metrics and people records.

    un/pw - admin/admin

    Metrics = The wrench on the left -> Metrics

    For a personnel record, in the top right, search for "Decker" and click any individual. Then you will see Extended Attributes. I am not 100% sure how you edit those right now.

    Edit - I do not see any reason you couldn't create a block so the information you want can be entered. This would require writing code ASP.NET and C# code. Also create fields in the attribute table to store this data. (A block is just a section on a page.) Again, there may be a way without coding but I am not familiar enough yet to know how to set that up.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    What is the "commitment" data? Is it just some questions and "answers"? It sounds like you could make Person attributes to hold these commitments, and then just take manual attendance on a group that represents everyone in your congregation. The digital card you speak of would be pretty easy... a simple workflow that pops up a form and asks whatever you want, stores those responses, and then takes their attendance.

  • Photo of Thomas Stephens


    Wouldn't manual attendance on a group like you suggest be impossible? Well, I guess not for the people that filled out the cards, since you would have their name. But what if everyone doesn't fill out a card? Do you count people or just go off of cards. Just something to think about.

  • Photo of Colt Melrose


    Thank you Daniel. We may be able to run the changing commitments through the workflows as well. I will explore that and see what I can come up with.