
Photo of Rich Dubay


Communication From Group Timing Out

Hey everyone!

We are trying to send a communication to a group with > 9000 people by clicking the communication bubble at the bottom of the group list. It's timing out trying to load the communication page. This worked earlier this week and we haven't made any changes to our install. This works for groups that are smaller (like 3000 or less). So I guess I really have two questions. 

1. Does anyone have any ideas why this may have just started timing out?

2. Is there a global timeout length that I can change temporarily so that this communication can be sent?

Thanks for the help!

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Richard, this may be an issue with the database not having it's indexes up to date.  Do you have any SQL Maintenance plans in place the rebuild/reorganize the indexes?  This should be done nightly.  Rock v7 will include a Job to do this for you, but until then you will need a maintenance plan in place.  When the indexes get fragmented from use, the speed can indeed slow to a crawl for certain operations that used to work not long before.

  • Photo of Rich Dubay


    Hey, Daniel! Thanks for the helpful feedback! We do have a job that runs nightly to clean up the tables (make sure we only keep the right amount of logs and that the indexes and stats are all cleaned up). It hadn't been running because of some other issue, but we ran it anyway per your suggestion and it was still broken. We've got a change to push that's in the pre-alpha-release branch that is supposed to fix our problem. Essentially there were a lot of records in the PersonalDevice table that did not have an associated PersonId and that is causing the communication to time out. We're really hoping this fixes our problem. 

    Thanks so much for your help!