
Photo of Robert Fuller III


Check-in and Attended Check-in Display Size

I am finishing up the setup on our check-in system, but I have hit a wall. When running the client on a Windows Surface, everything is so small. It seems that there is so much real estate that is wasted in the interface. I would like to make everything about twice as big. I am wondering where the best place to do that is. Thanks for the help!

  • Photo of David Stevens


    The problem might be that your resolution or DPI is set too high on the Surface.  As far as I know, there's no maximum size of a display as everything is responsive.

    There is a minimum display size of 1366x768 for Attended Check-in.  The most common resolution for touch/other devices running check-in is 1920x1080 or 2048x1536.  Besides that, you'll need to adjust your check-in theme media queries.

  • Photo of Robert Fuller III


    I appreciate the reply. Unfortunately, I tried changing the resolution on the Surface, but it did not change the size of the items in the client. I am not familiar with the second part of your solution "adjust your check-in theme media queries." Where might I find that? Thanks so much again, David.