
Photo of Carrie White


Office365 Email Setup

 I'm trying to set up communications using our Office365 server.  I understand I need to add a connector into exchange to allow Rock's IP address to relay.  Any ideas?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    There are a million blog posts on setting up O365 as a mail relay, but here's Microsoft's official one You would be looking at Option 3 in that article.

    However, unless you're just doing this for testing I HIGHLY recommend that you don't try to use O365 as a means to send email from Rock in a production mode... you will have lots of issues with deliverability and you won't get any of the analytics benefits Rock offers. I suggest you go with Mailgun per the Rock documentation as that gives you a free tier. SendGrid is another option (that's what we prefer) but requires the purchase of a plug-in from the Rock Shop. Either of those will give you much better Rock email experience along with the ability to see who has opened an email and clicked the links within. Doing email through O365 (or Gmail) may "sort of work" but is not recommended for real use.