
Photo of David Hanson


How To Log a Cash Transaction

 I feel incompetent asking this question as it seems like this should be relatively straight forward, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to log a cash transaction - whether it's from a known or unknown member.  Under a member, the only options I have when adding a one-time transaction is to classify it as Credit Card or Bank Account only.  If I attemp to leave that information blank then I receive an error stating that I have to supply that information.

If you couldn't tell, I'm new to Rock RMS, so please be patient with me as I attempt to learn this awesome application. 

  • Photo of David Hanson


     I found that I cannot add a cash transaction using the member view, but can enter cash opening up a new batch.  However, when trying to close a batch, for any amount that was given anonymously, it's saying that I have to match the amount to a member.  I'm not sure if I need to add an "anonymous" member to assign these types of cash transactions to in order to close a batch.  I tried to find within the online documentation how to handle this scenario, but couldn't find a reference.  Is there a best practice that someone can share or provide a link to where in the user manuals this is addressed?  Thanks in advance for any feedback/guidance given. 

  • Photo of David Hanson


    As it turns out, Rock RMS comes with a built-in Anonymous person.  So the best practice is to leverage this person to record all cash transactions that cannot be associated with a real person.

  • Photo of Ken Roach


    Refer Rock Solid Finances documentation:

    Anonymous Gifts

    Typically you'll enter an anonymous user into your database and link all anonymous gifts to this person. When you count up all of the anonymous cash for the weekend, you can add one transaction for this total amount and select the individual Anonymous.