0 Accessing Defined Value Attributes in a Content Channel View Block 2 Brian Kalwat posted 8 Years Ago Hey everyone!We're implementing a content channel that is a mini blog of sorts for updating our staff on what the upcoming Sunday's service is going to look like.One of the item attributes in the content channel is a defined value field where the admin can choose one or multiple things that regularly occur or are the "focus" of that Sunday (Baptism, Groups, Ownership, etc). The structure looks as follows:The following lava loops splits and loops through the values, but I haven't been able to find a way to access the attributes of each defined value.{% for item in Items %} {% assign focuses = item | Attribute:'ServiceFocus','Object' %} {% assign focusesSplit = focuses | Split: ', ' %} <h3>{{ item.StartDateTime | SundayDate | Date:'MM/d/yy' }} - {{ item.Title }}</h3> <ul> {% for focus in focusesSplit %} <li>{{ focus }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul>{% endfor %}Has anyone successfully accessed defined value attributes from a content channel item loop? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!