
Photo of Aaron Jones


Website Live Search


 I am working on trying to add a live search functionality to a website that I am working on. Has anyone attempted to create one or modify the smart search feature? We need the ability to search the page names and html content on those pages. I know it can be accomplished by creating a stored procedure and SQL and creating a custom block but if there was already a way to do it that would be great. Thank you for your help.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    If you're looking for an indexed "site search", doing this on the db side is probably the wrong approach. You really need to "crawl" your site so the search engine can index your content as well as follow links, etc. There are probably other options, but we use Google Site Search ( . It costs us a whopping $100/year and for that we get really good crawling/indexing (unbranded, you don't know it's Google) without any effort on our part other than embedding the search code and configuring it.

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    There is also the free version for those that can't afford that one: the drawback is they advertise on the search pages.

  • Photo of Aaron Jones


    Thank you for your help. The Google search would very nicely

  • Photo of Bob Chelpka


    Just received a notification from Google today that they are discontinuing their GSS and all customers using it will be downgraded to the free ad-based non xml version. Did site search get added to version 7? If so, can someone point to instructions on how to get it up and running? GSS will be downgraded on 3/8/2018.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Yes, Universal Search is in v7, but as a "preview" state (though Rock is using it on their own sites and it works great). Here's how to get it installed