
Photo of Trey Hendon III


SampleData Block Branch

I know there have been ideas bouncing around for a while now to use the SampleData block as a possible import mechanism. Has anyone started expanding the block's functionality? After further evaluating the block’s code, I am liking the idea of it being a full import/conversion option. I’m not a fan of re-inventing the wheel so I’m asking before diving in.

  • Photo of David Stevens


    I know the initial conversation around data import was focused on using that block, but that's not what it was designed for (or would be supported for).  There were some concerns about the import speed as well as the administrative time to format all those fields correctly.

    If you'd like to run with the Excavator CSV import, I'd be more than happy to have some help.  We only use the F1 import, so I don't have margin to develop new CSV features.

    • Trey Hendon III

      I'd love to chat a bit more about that idea. I'm in Spartanburg, maybe we could meet in the middle (assuming your in Anderson)? treyh at kingdomfirstsolutions dot com

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    I was actually thinking about this myself just don't know asp,net very well to be able to make it happen.