
Photo of Nic De Vries


Bulk 'import' of existing person/family data

Hi, what is the best/easiest way to get an existing dataset (in my case in a MySQL database) into Rock as fast as possible so that we can work within rock from that point forward?

The REST API seems the most obvious way and I got some examples working on GET, but to POST/PUT seems not trivial as well as the consequence of impacting both the person and the family-group either needs to be 'addressed' by the API or I must write some code and know the relationship between the 'tables' to make sure I don't break anything.

Please advise.

  • Photo of David Stevens


    WIth only 60 families I think it'd be easiest to export your data and import using the SampleData.XML or using the CSV import with Excavator. 

  • Photo of David Stevens


    I would highly recommend a direct SQL-to-SQL approach if you're familiar enough with scripting to map the data.  IMO it would be too slow & difficult to create relationships in Rock one model at a time (via the API).

    We run our external site on MySQL and I've frequently had to connect between them; here's a great article that should get you started.  How much data are you working with?

  • Photo of Nic De Vries


    Hi David, great, thank you for your response and thanks for the link as well!

    We don't have much data, but it is just the principle of error-prone retyping or copy-pasting 60-odd families with their dependents while I already have it in MySQL.


  • Photo of Nic De Vries


    Great! I like it! I will certainly try out the Excavator!

    Pardon my ignorance, but does "the" SampleData.xml refer to a specific tool or process or do you just mean using the xml format to do so via say Excavator?

  • Photo of Eyob Zeleke


    @David Stevens, just a question on your response above ... "a direct SQL-to-SQL approach". Does rock allow me to dump data directly to SQL tables? Let's say Person table?

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Although this is an old thread, there is a new tool in v14 that allows the importing of data from other systems via CSV. Check it out here:

    I hope that helps,