
Photo of Scott Conger


User Form in Workflow issue with "Editable" Boolean and Defined Type Values

We are struggling with figuring out how to set the value of any "editable" dropdown on a workflow user form.  We have a boolen like "Application Required".  Then populate it with Lava (or SQL), setting it to Yes/No (or true/false).  Then we display a user form.  The user form does not show the value we populated the field with.  The user has to select the value manually.  If we look at the workflow manager, it shows the value was populated.  It seems to be a display issue.  Is there something we explicitly need to do to make it display?

We appear to have this issue with anything that is a dropdown.  So, we have the same issue with defined type values.  But text works great.  And non-editable booleans or define type values work.  Thoughts?

  • Scott Conger

    If anyone has some thoughts, I'd appreciate it. We still have not figure this out. A defined value can be assigned to another define type value in a workflow. However, we are trying to use a text value to select a defined type value because the possible options are too long to define ahead of time. I can do it easily in javascript but that a total hack. And it only works on the first page of a user form, once the page posts back, the second page javascript didn't work. I'd rather do it with set attribute value within the workflow. Thoughts?

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    I set up a test workflow on the demo server ( The key to setting attribute values is knowing what value the field type is expecting. For a simple dropdown where you configure the options like '0^No,1^Yes' it would be 0 or 1.  The test workflow shows that working.

    More complex field types like the defined value can be harder to determine. Many take the GUID of the item that is selected (group, defined value, etc).  In the case of defined values it is a GUID. The problem is there is a bug that kept that guids values from working right. We've fixed that and it will be in the v3.3 patch (coming very soon).

    • Scott Conger

      Sounds good. We currently have the issue assigning a text value to defined value or campus. I have a javascript hack in place until v3.3. Thanks for looking into it.