0 Content Channel Event Item Link 3 Kathryn Kent posted 7 Months Ago I am making a Content Channel and I've added the Item Attribute "Event Items". When I go to add a new content channel item I select the Event Item from the drop down menu, but I wanted to know what lava code to use so I can make it a link to the specific Event Item. I've tried these codes, but I'm obviously doing something wrong: <a href="{{ item | Attribute:'EventItem'}}" class="btn btn-primary">See More</a> <a href="/event/details/{{Slug}}" class="btn btn-primary">See More</a> <a href="/event/details/{{ item | Attribute:'EventItem','Slug' }}" class="btn btn-primary">See More</a><a href="/event/details/{{ item | Attribute:'EventItem','Id' }}" class="btn btn-primary">See More</a>