0 Forming body of Lava webrequest 1 Gary Holeman posted 5 Years Ago Does anyone have an example of how to form the body for the Lava WebRequest? I've been able to use Lava WebRequest for anything that doesn't require a body. I'm guessing it is a syntax issue, but I can't find an example of how to format the lava block. Keeping it simple, I'm trying right now just to login to the rocksolidchurchdemo site using the following lava block: {% webrequest url: 'http://rock.rocksolidchurchdemo.com/api/Auth/Login' requestcontenttype:'application/json' responsecontenttype:'application/json' method:'POST' body: '{"Username" : "admin","Password" : "admin","Persisted" : "true"}' %} {{result}} {% endwebrequest %} No matter how I try to form this, the constant result back is : Liquid error: The given key was not present in the dictionary. I've tried assigning a json variable to the body text using the FromJSON filter, but I get the same result. Anyone point me in the right direction? Any example of a webrequest with a body in it?