
Photo of Casey Dierking


Average Attendance From Groups over A semester

I'm wondering if I can get some direction on how to get this number. Our team has asked if there is anyway they can see ALL groups one one page with their attendance participation rates. And then if we can get them  a single number of the average of all the participation rates across all the groups for that semester.

I've been digging around the Data views and can't figure out how to even get a list of all the groups with their rates. IS this purely an SQL thing? Has anyone done something like this before?

  • Photo of David Stevens


    Yes, you'd need to use SQL to calculate those rates.  You could do it  either on-demand from the Attendance table (how the UI currently calculates it) , or create a Metric that tracks that value every week.  Once you had a consistent Metric Value, then you could use Lava or the EXECUTE command to average all the values.