0 Parent Label Lava 3 Robert Fuller III posted 7 Years Ago I am trying to modify the standard parent label (receipt) I want it to show not only the name and security code of the child, but also the location of the child. Every form of the code I put into the "Label Merge Fields" prints out the same location for all children on the receipt. Currently I have it like this:{% for person in People %}{% assign remainder = forloop.index | Modulo:2 %}{% if remainder != 0 %}{{ person.NickName }}-{{ person.SecurityCode }}-{% for group in GroupType.Groups %}{% for location in group.Locations %}{{location.Name}}\&{% endfor %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}I have moved arguments all over the place but have not gotten it to work. I would be ever so grateful if someone could help me accurately print the location for each child on the label.