
Photo of Robert Fuller III


Parent Label Lava

I am trying to modify the standard parent label (receipt) I want it to show not only the name and security code of the child, but also the location of the child. Every form of the code I put into the "Label Merge Fields" prints out the same location for all children on the receipt. Currently I have it like this:

{% for person in People %}{% assign remainder = forloop.index | Modulo:2 %}{% if remainder != 0 %}{{ person.NickName }}-{{ person.SecurityCode }}-{% for group in GroupType.Groups %}{% for location in group.Locations %}{{location.Name}}\&{% endfor %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}

I have moved arguments all over the place but have not gotten it to work. I would be ever so grateful if someone could help me accurately print the location for each child on the label.

  • Photo of Robert Fuller III


    The parent receipt will print all the children's names that were checked in. It uses the even odd method. Field one prints the odds on the left, and field two prints the evens on the right. It is like the standard parent receipt in "By family" mode.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    Try putting  {{ person.GroupTypes | First | Property:'Groups' | First | Property:'Name' }} in place of your inner for loop...Chris R in Slack pulled up a chart that suggests that may work

  • Photo of Robert Fuller III


    I put that in, but nothing prints in that space. It does not error out the entire argument, but it does not accomplish the task.

    I expect the clumsy way of doing it would be to do an entire sql set of code. It would be hopping through like 3 different tables for every entry though. How much does this slow it down? Should I hold out for the streamlined LAVA solution that is evading me? Thanks for the continued support in all this.