Photo of Starlyn Sarmiento


Data Views

Good afternoon all,

I've just recently installed Rock and I like it a lot. My church uses PCO for people and check in, but I'm trying to get them to use Rock. One of the issues I have encountered is that I don't know how to create data views or reports that can be sorted by:

1. Leadership

2. Age group

3. Members and non-members

4. Children and Adults

I have seen the results that the default " members and attendees" data view and it's great. But the administrative assistant that wants the reports would like to get reports that can be sorted by: name, last name, member, non member, age, child, adults and if possible Leaders. I tried to set up groups that have leaders assigned to them but I'm not sure how to get a report or data view for this. She would also like to get a report that shows the leaders and their positions. Can someone please help?


  • Michael Garrison

    Welcome to Rock!
    Have you read the "taking off with reporting" manual? I think that most of what you want to do is covered in there.

    To begin answering some of your specific questions though, could you please clarify whether you're wanting data views and reports on just checked in people, or on the groups you set up?

  • Photo of Starlyn Sarmiento



    Thank you for your prompt response. Yes I have read the manual, just didn't make much sense cause I'm a newbie at reports or data view, hehe. Is there a way to categorize people from leaders and just regular members?  Would I have to create a group named leadership? The administrative assistant has an excel spreadsheet that she created where she categorizes leadership roles or position in the church: pastors, deacons, ushers, and regular members. I told her that Rock does that much easier than the way she does it, but I have to figure out the way so she can see that Rock can do that by a click of the mouse. She is very skeptical in trying a new system because this would be her 5th church managment system. The only way I got to get a spreadsheet with similar catogories is by filling the position field of the leaders profile with their role at the church, ex. Lead pastor, youth pastor and so mon. I'm pretty sure there is an easier and more efficient way jus haven't found it.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    If each person belongs to one (and only one) category, then you can leverage the Connection Status person attribute to categorize your people. This has the benefit of showing up on all dataviews if you turn on that option. That way the "All Members" dataview immediately becomes analogous to the existing spreadsheet. I would recommend leaving the built-in "Web Prospect" status intact, as that has other uses throughout Rock as you get your public website going, but you can change the other default statuses or simply add your own. Make sure you've checked out the Person and Family Field Guide for this info.

    Other options for tracking these connections that are not so rigidly 1-to-1 include Groups, Tags and Person Attributes. With these, a person can be both a deacon and an usher, for instance. So it depends on which system meets your church's specific needs.

    If you want to use groups, you can create new "Serving Team" groups (a Deacon group, an Usher group, etc) and add your members as appropriate. In this case, your "Deacon" dataview would filter for people "In Group": "Deacon". You'd have a separate DataView for each group, and they'd each be tied to their own report as well, for displaying contact info or whatever else you wanted to display for all those people. The nice thing about using Serving Teams, is that any members of these groups will automatically have the "In Serving Team" badge light up on their profile.

    If tags are more your style, you can add those to the right of their picture on their profile. Do one of each tag, and then go and make them a System tag, rather than a personal tag. Once that's done, you can once again set up separate DataViews and Reports for each tag.

    Finally, just like each person has a "Baptism Date" attribute, you can create a custom attribute called, perhaps, "Role". It can be a series of checkboxes (several checkboxes may be selected) or radio boxes (only one may be selected). This way, you could choose on their profile which one/several of the roles are appropriate. The dataviews and reports would be similar to the above, with a separate dataview/report for each role. If you used checkboxes, a person could show up in BOTH the Deacon and Usher dataview, for instance.

    With all of the above 3 options with DataViews, be sure to also include a filter for only "Active" records. Though ideally when someone gets deactivated by your staff, they'd also be removed from those groups/tags/attributes, but you may find that's not the case. This additional filter will help ensure your list stays accurate.

    A slightly more advanced option would be to have just a SINGLE dataview that examines whatever method you choose to categorize them by, and then create a custom page with the "Dynamic Report" block on it. Point this block at your dataview, and your user will be able to select which status(es) they'd like to see on the fly. There's less clutter that way, as there's no need for duplicate DataViews and reports.

    You can also "mix-n-match" these options; let us know if the benefits of several of the above options sound good and we may be able to help achieve both.

    Finally, it sounds like there's a lot of "damage" for your poor staff person from past experiences. I would encourage you to take a step back and take a deep look into what you can offer that actually HELPS them in their job, rather than just providing a new way to do the same old things. Figure out how to make the experience a joy to use- if there's something that can be automated, let's figure out how to do that. Customize the landing page of the internal site with something that delights them; a countdown to staff birthdays, a content channel feed with stories of how your church is impacting lives, etc. It helps that these show the flexibility of Rock, but the idea is to find something that matters to them, and put it at their fingertips. If you can identify some of these items, we'd love to help you figure out how to implement them (though Rock has it's limitations, as anything does, I think you'll find that a hugely wide array of things are possible).

    I hope this is helpful! Please feel free to continue to ask follow-up questions if one of the options above sounds like something you'd like to use.

  • Photo of Starlyn Sarmiento


    Thank you Michael for your response. Your answer has helped me tremendously. I will definitely take a step back and analyze what would be the best and easiest way for our staff to get these reports and data views. Thank you so much for your detailed answer. God Bless!!!