Photo of Shawn Jones


Sermon Series

We are trying to wrap our heads around this...

How do you set up Sermons in your RockCMS? We would need a series and sermons. Both series and sermons would have content. What needs to be the channel type and what needs to be the content channel? Then how do you define the hierarchy...meaning, sermon 1 and sermon 2 belong to series 1 and sermon 3 and sermon 4 belong to series 2?

Thanks for any insights.

(am i in the right area to ask this question?)

  • Photo of Brian Kalwat


    Hey Shawn!

    We haven't quite made the jump to using Rock as our primary CMS yet, but I can give you some insight to what it might look like when we do.

    The way we're currently thinking about it is creating content channels for both series and sermons. Like you, we need a way to store data of different kinds about each of these two pieces of content, so this makes the most sense. From there, I've heard that there is work being done on a relationship fieldtype that we'll be able to use as an item attribute for sermons that will enable us to related each sermon to a series from the other content channel.

    This relationship fieldtype is one of the key missing pieces that we need before Rock will support our data structure, and it's really going to open the CMS portion of Rock up to a lot more people who require that functionality. Hope this is helpful!

    I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on it and what your solution ends up looking like.

    The best is yet to come!
