
Photo of Brst Dev


How to fetch date corresponding to an event

I am trying to fetch events with its data( image, date, description etc.) using EventItems. For getting the date I am using EventItemOccurrences api which returns me a schedule id but I am not sure how to fetch schedule using this schedule id. Hope you can guide me on this


  • Photo of David Leigh


    Can you provide more detail on the context: are you trying to access the data from C#, Lava, Rest API, etc?

    If you are using C#, you can use the ScheduleService service class to retrieve a Schedule by Id.
    However, if you are working with Lava, the Schedule object may not be available.


  • Photo of Brst Dev


    Hello David,

    We are using Rest API to fetch the content, I am getting all the data except scheduled date. For getting the image other than EventItems we have used another api that provides image data that can be saved to the system to generate image. Just want to know which api will work for us so we can get the date related data. 
