
Photo of Nathan Parikh


Bulk Enable SMS Communication

My church needed a way to bulk update individuals and enable sms communication if they have a mobile phone number entered.

Bronson Witting pointed me in the right direction and I will post the solution below.

  • Photo of Nathan Parikh


    This will be accomplished via a SQL query, but first you must know the NumberTypeValueId  of the Mobile phone record for an individual.

    To find the ID:

    1. Go to General Settings
    2. Click on Defined Types
    3. Click on "Phone Type"
    4. Hover over Mobile, you should see a number (I see 12 on my installation)

    With that ID in hand:

    1. Go to Power Tools
    2. Click on SQL Command
    3. Paste and run the following command:

    SELECT * FROM [Person] UPDATE PhoneNumber SET IsMessagingEnabled = 1 WHERE NumberTypeValueId = 12 and IsMessagingEnabled = 0 AND IsUnlisted = 0

    Remember to update the NumberTypeValueId to the ID you found before.

    That should do it!