
Photo of Tommy Prater


remove default blocks

I may have missed it some where in the documention but on the home page how easy should it be to remove the defalt content? Orginally I just delelted the code but then broke the .net code :) so I put it back.

For what I am designing I dont need the slider or the article bocks. I noticed when I click on the blocks button at the bottom of the screen those were the only 2 that didnt have the delete option.

Thanks again, like I said I have a feeling its something easy im missing and may just be overlooking.



Jeremy, Yes referring to the external one.

I uploaded a screen shot. I couldnt get a screen shot of my mouse over the block part I have the arrow pointing to. when I try to delete that block or the block below it there is now x option.

Does this make sense?

Thanks again!Capture.PNG

  • Jeremy Turgeon

    Hi Tommy, are you referring to the internal Rock homepage or the external one? Also, could you provide a screenshot so we can see what you're trying to remove? Thanks!

  • Photo of David Leigh


    Hi Tommy,

    Although you can't delete these blocks, you can modify them so that they display different (or no) content.

    To change the main slider, select "Page Zones" from the Admin menu and edit the Feature Zone.
    Select the "Content" Block and change the Type of the block to something else - for example, 
    if you choose "HTML Content", you can display other static content in place of the Slider.

    Is this what you were looking for?