Photo of Don Smallman


Youth WebSites

Hi, I am wondering how other people are handling their youth websites.  Should I create a new site in our current RockRMS structure, or host a totally seperate domain and instance fo RockRMS for it.  I guess I am confussed as to how the multiple sites under one instance work.  I assume that these are seperated so that each can use its own look and feel that is different from the other. Correct?  If I create a new youth site under our current instance, then I would just point the youth domian name to the home page for this new site, right?  Would that be a DNS forward, since I cant point it to the IP same address as the main site?

  • Photo of Arran France


    Hey Don, In a lot of ways there is no right or wrong answer to the question you've asked. How you approach it will totally depend on the culture and structure of your church. In some ways the question you're asking is related to whether you have a branded house or a house of brands. For more information about that check out Branding Faith by Phil Cooke or Less Clutter, Less Noise by Kem Meyer.


    On a technical level it is certainly possible to have multiple domains or subdomains pointing towards the same IP address and I believe Rock handles that intelligently as long as you have the sites configured correctly. Check out the CMS manual for more information about configuring external sites. I would urge you to stick to one Rock instance as that allows you to group data together and have a more accurate picture of families where the adults and youth both attend plus it allows you to "promote" children to young people without having to create a new record on a separate database. Let me know if you need a more specific answer.

    Edit: Formatting 

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Don- I agree with Arran in that this cat can be skinned many different ways, and you have to determine which works best for your church. That said, doing multiple *instances* of Rock for something like a Youth site would probably be at the bottom of MY list for tackling that need. By doing so you would be giving up much of the power gained by having "everthing under one roof" (check-in, attendance statistics, common forms and workflows etc just to name a few) which is what you get with ONE instance of Rock. Multiple instances would also force at least some of the congregation to have multiple accounts for each Rock system... ick. Like Arran pointed out, you can create as many "sites" as necessary, each with a completely different looks and feel, under one Rock instance. This is how we currently handle 99% of our web sites today and plan to do the same with Rock in the near future.

    The "CMS" guide referenced above is in fact the "Building Web Sites" manual.

  • Photo of Don Smallman


    Yes, that is very helpful.  I may need help once they procure the domain name, if I cannot get it to work :-)

    Which manual are you referring to when yo say CMS.  I looked at the website manual, but dont see one called CMS.

    Thank you!

  • Photo of Trey Hendon III


    Something else not explicitly said here is that I would recommend forwarding any ministry specific URL to a sub domain of your existing URL. That way, a single church wildcard SSL can cover all the websites. The forwarding is very easy in IIS and can even bring friendly URL names along with the forward.
  • Photo of Dillan Cagnetta


    i have read the manual but there are alot of things not mentioned.

    I have created a domain an updated its Nameservers to point to where my site is hosted.

    I created a new site on Rock and entered the domain name.

    On my host i created the top level domain name to match and enabled DNS.

    however my new site does not work. Cannot find server

    is there is anything else i need to do?


    do i need to create a new website on my host?


    • Arran France

      Hey Dillian, that entirely depends on how your host configures things.
      Is your Rock site tied to a specific domain?

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      Hi Arran, i have a rock admin site ... not tied to any domain

      public external site ....

      and now i want a new site on a completely new domain

      how should my host configure this?

    • Arran France

      Hey Dillian this could be difficult to sort out via a forum. Hosts vary how they handle things like this, some shared hosts will require you to create a separate 'site' and point it at a domain, some provide you with an IP address and as long as your DNS points at that you'll be okay.

      How is your Rock admin site managed if it's not attached to a domain? Could you tell me what host you're using?

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      Hi Arran. I am with a shared host in South Africa called

      I meant my rock and public site are on the same domain.

    • Arran France

      If your Rock and public site domain is configure specifically with your hosting somewhere then try and add your new domain there. If you can't add multiple domains then create a new site within your shared hosting environment for your new domain and leave it blank.

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      i didnt have to do any specific config to get my Rock and public site working.

      i contacted my host they said i would need assign to the newly created domain to the existing website... they made the change

      but when i go to the new domain address it takes me to the correct URL i.e.
      but takes me to the LOGIN page using the theme of my public site

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      ok after i login it takes me to the homepage of my new site

      i dont really want it to work like this. it should take me to the homepage first

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      ok it was a permission problem. by default the new sites homepage had ALL USERS - DENY permission so they had to log in first

      Thanks Arran for all your help. You are a great asset to Rock