0 Events - logging in? 1 Rob Hipp posted 2 Months Ago I've been digging around and cannot find exactly what I am looking for so I'm posting here... On an event, is there a way for the first option to be something like "GUEST" or "MEMBER OF [CHUCH]" instead of going right to how many registrants? If not, is there a way to recognize if someone is logged in or not, and if they aren't, have some sort of text that indicated that... "You are currently not logged in. If you have an account with FBC, please log in first to speed up the process, otherwise, continue as a guest" Does this make sense? I have registered for events and forgotten I wasn't logged in, then it creates duplicate data I have to merge... Example at: https://fbchuntsville.org/page/413?RegistrationInstanceId=6&EventOccurrenceID=14#