
Photo of Ken Roach


How do you build on a style in HTML?

Newbie HTML question:  If I want to create a new <p> style - but based on the default <p> style, for example, a style <p2> that is based on <p> but with grey bold text - how would I do that?  Do you just create the new style, then embed the <p2></p2> within the <p></p>?  E.g.


p2 {color:#808B96; font-weight: bold;}


What is the difference between the Page Header Content and the Block Properties Advanced Settings Pre HTML?  

  • Photo of Scott Willis


    Hi Ken,

    I'm sure there are many ways to tackle the HTML question. Here's one - obviously replacing the colors...

    p {
        color: blue;
    p.style2 {
        color: green;
        font-weight: bold;
    <p>This is blue.</p>
    <p class="style2">This is green and bold.</p>
    • Ken Roach

      Thanks Scott!

      The <style></style> code can go in the theme's CSS file (site wide change)
      the page properties block, Advanced Settings, Header Content (page wide change)
      the HTML Block Properties, Advanced Settings, Pre-HTML (block wide change)
      even in the HTML block itself (HTML block wide change).