0 Recommendation for basic learning 2 Jordan Hellwig posted 7 Years Ago Our church is making the switch to Rock in the next few months. I'm the staff video guy who has been in charge of web content lately, but my code knowledge is pretty minimal (I've mostly stayed within the basic WYSIWYG editor and CMS in the past). I wondered if someone could recommend a resource for doing in-depth learning from the bottom up on web design, so that I know how much of the content I can expect to do myself and how much I need to find someone else for. I'm capable of learning technical things, but I do realize that there's a lot out there. So any guidance on a resource that could particularly prepare me for Rock would be appreciated. I have read the entire documentation on Rock U concerning Designing and Building Websites, so I have a basic understanding of the framework. I just need help knowing what I'm looking at when I see a page of code.Thank you very much.