
Photo of Jackie Powers


Content Channel link

I have items in my content channels that I want to link to outside websites rather than to the automatic detail page. For example, I have a sermon series content channel that I want to link to the playlist in youtube. Is this possible and if so, how do I set it up?

  • Photo of Jackie Powers


    Nevermind! I found the redirect block and that does the trick for me!

    • Jackie Powers

      Actually, the redirect block redirects to the same page no matter what the content channel item is. How can I make it go to a different page with the different items

    • Jackie Powers

      For anyone looking to do this and who can't figure it out. I added a link attribute to my content channels where I could specify where to direct the item to. Then I modified the block to determine whether to link to a created page or to the detail page.

  • Photo of Stewart Colborne


    So  I found this post as I wanted to achieve the same result. I couldn't work out Jackie's method. In the end I found it easier to just use lava within the content of the item that redirects it using a basic javascript redirect:

    {% javascript %}
       window.location = "/page or url of your choice"
    {% endjavascript %}

    This requires that the Merge Content  setting under Advanced Settings on the Content Channel Item View  block  that is on the Item Detail  page is set to Yes, otherwise the block won't process the lava tags within the item content.