
Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


Add Images to Calendar.lava

I'm trying to add an image from a calendar item to the calendar.lava file to display on our website. But for some reason, the lava doesn't seem to work correctly and show anything. I've tried comparing it to the lava in CalendarItem.lava, referencing the debug info, and testing out basic web images as placeholders without success.

Even though there is a photo in the event I'm testing, it doesn't show any photo guid or link like it should. For testing purposes let's put {{ eventItemOccurrence.Name }} into the lava file.
Calendar Lava Code Name.PNG
It returns the correct value.

Calendar Lava Display Name.PNG

But there are a number of lava values that refuse to display even though they're listed in the debug options. I've tried PhotoId, IsActive, and Photo that all fail.

Calendar Lava Debug.PNG

Most of this is just academic, but I do want to figure out how to display images. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Photo of Richard Sanford


    Hey Jeremy did you ever get this to work? I'm wanting to do the same thing and having the same problem.