0 Rock Website Down - RunTime Error 2 Andrew Lee posted 9 Years Ago Hi everyone, Our Rock Database has become unaccessible. I've worked with the hosting provider (Arvixe) who provided me the following: " The OwinStartup attribute discovered in assembly 'App_Code.n3zsgwd0' referencing startup type 'RockWeb.Startup' conflicts with the attribute in assembly 'App_Code.ctbfiv-v' referencing startup type 'RockWeb.Startup' because they have the same FriendlyName ''. Remove or rename one of the attributes, or reference the desired type directly." "The issue is with the code" No updates have been made (Currently running 3.3). The most recent change made was to change "Vistor" to "Guest." This seemed to proces just fine, but the next morning we noticed we could not login. Any ideas?