
Photo of Kristin Brussee


HTML Field in Form Builder

Hello everyone! 

I am using Form Builder to build out a volunteer application, but I noticed there is not an HTML field available. We have a few "disclaimers" that are needed in our Volunteer Application. Is the HTML field only available through the Workflow attributes option? 

  • Photo of Bobby Jacky


    Hello Kristin,

    I've not used the Form Builder but it looks like you are correct. I don't see a way to add text such as disclaimers within the middle section where all of the data is collected. The header are footer sections appear to be the current place to add whatever text is needed such as instructions or disclaimers. Hope that helps!

  • Photo of Kristin Brussee


    I came to the same conclusion. I am able to do it within workflows! So, I've made it work! Thanks for confirming my suspicions.