
Photo of Kristin Brussee


Replacing Rock Default Email Header

Hi Everyone, 

I am just getting started in Rock and configuring our new site. I am trying to update the Default Email Header Image, but I cannot find where this is stored on the database to replace it, as was suggested in other Q&As.

The "route" appears to be assets/image/email-header.jpg. 

When I tried to put this directly in the web browser as - I am receiving this error: HTTP 404.0 Not Found - The Resource you are looking for has been removed, had it's name changed or is temporarily unavailable.

Any advice on how to change the default header image for communications if I cannot find this? 

And help with understanding the "route" would also be appreciated. If I were to upload my new header to the Asset Manager, would the route be admin/cms/asset-manager/adabiblelogo.svg?

I am sure there are many more questions to come!

  • Photo of Brandon Meeks


    The email header is actually a global attribute which can be found/edited under General Settings->Global Attributes->Email Header. Within this attribute is the HTML/CSS that makes up the email header used within email templates and workflows. Also within this attribute is lava which renders the global attribute "Email Header Logo". If you edit this attribute, which is the path to your logo image, then all emails will use the updated logo. Typically your logo file will either live within your theme's assets/images folder or somewhere within the Content folder.

    As an example, the Email Header Logo would like this: Themes/<Theme Name>/Assets/Images/<image>

  • Photo of Garri Darter


    I believe that you can edit this in communication settings. 

    Home>>Communications>>Communication Templates>>Default Organization Template

  • Photo of Kristin Brussee


    Thank you for your responses. We were able to figure it out by going into the server and adding our logo into the assets/images file. Then we changed Email Header and the Lava coding in the template to reflect the file name of our logo.