
Photo of Esther Ojikutu


Error Getting started

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://localhost/rockrms/start.aspx
Line Number 1, Column 2:
<%@ Page Language="C#"%>

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    You should look at the install guides here Rock is an enterprise-class CRM and won't run well (if at all) on a $5/mo "Windows .net compatible" host. It needs real horsepower. By far, the most common place to host Rock is in MS Azure cloud.

    For VERY small orgs/installs, there's also a way to run Rock on the AWS free tier, detailed here

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    You cannot run Rock from a subdirectory/path of the webserver. It needs to "own" the hostname you give it, e.g. or whatever. To access it via localhost the start.aspx would have to be at the root of the webserver http://localhost/start.aspx). 

    That said, most often when we see this it's because someone is trying to ADD Rock to an existing webserver, which almost never works because they fail to understand that Rock needs a Windows/.NET/SQL Server stack on which to run, not your wordpress host. What hosting environment are you trying to install Rock on?

  • Photo of Esther Ojikutu


    trying to install it on a shared hosting environment, which hosting service will you suggest I use