
Photo of Brian Daneu


Family Pre Registration phone issue

Adult 1 and 2 are using only adults one number not both. Example if you fill out the form with adult one with number 1231111111 and adult two with number 2312222222 both adult one and two will have the number 1231111111 any one know of this is a know bug and how to fix it.

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Brian,

    I'm not sure what version of Rock you are on, but I know there were a number of bugs fixed related to the family pre-registration block after it was added. You might try it on the Rock Demo site ( and see if the bug is also showing up there. If not it likely has already been fixed in a newer version.

  • Photo of Brian Daneu


    Yes works on demo correctly but demo is 8.0. [They are] still running the most recent 7.0 version [and] this church has not paid to play yet this might make them though...