
Photo of Seth Thomas


8.0 install timeout

This morning I began upgrading to 8.0. Unfortunately 2 hours later it seems the install is hung up. Now when I refresh the browser I'm getting this page...

Updates in Progress...

Our website is unavailable for the moment. We'll be back and running before long so please try again soon.

Thanks for your patience!

I'm assuming the install shouldn't take 2 hours. Any thoughts/suggestions/helps? We're hosted at



  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Two hours is definitely abnormal and likely indicates something went wrong. First thing I would look at is the exception log under /App_Data/Logs on your Rock file system. That might give you a clue. Can't say for sure, but a likely curlprit is an underpowered server (especially memory) as upgrades can *really* tax a marginal setup.

  • Photo of Seth Thomas


    Thanks Jim. I ended up paying Winhost $30 to restore our site from a 12AM backup they did yesterday morning. And its up and running. Lesson learned. Will backup prior to future upgrades.

  • Photo of Seth Thomas


    Thanks Jim. I checked that file but nothing was logged since a few weeks ago. Are you suggesting Winhost may be underpowered and something may have happened during the install on their server and it "crashed"?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I'm mostly grasping at straws since I have no familiarity with your platform. I *have* heard of issues with prior upgrades that went bad because the host didn't have enough memory and/or enough SQL horsepower... but that's pure conjecture. Unfortunately Winhost is not a super-popular platform for running Rock, so you may be the first person to even try it. You might ask in the Rock Slack ( to join) to see if anyone there has tried it, yet.

    In any case, I think your system is in a bad state and you'll need to roll back to your backup to 1) get going again, and 2) before you can try again.

  • Photo of Seth Thomas


    Jim. I'm a bit "in over my head here." Do you know if I can perform a backup of data now, reinstall Rock... and then update with the new backup... or would I likely have to roll back to a prior backup? Please don't ask why I'm asking that... :-)

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Unfortunately you can't really back up after the fact. And it's important to know/remember that Rock is really two distinct parts: The web server file system, and the database itself. Both must "match" and be the same version for things to run properly. :-/