
Photo of Jez Hailwood


How do I change the culture to en-GB on Azure?

As a long-term LAMP developer, I'm new to Microsoft hosting. I know that I need to change either the server or app culture and I've seen a suggestion on Stack Overflow that I add the following to my web.config:

<globalization uiCulture="en-GB" culture="en-GB" />

I'm pretty sure I put this in the correct place, and I restarted Rock for good measure, but it's not taking effect. What am I missing?

  • Photo of Jez Hailwood


    Turns out this isn't required. I simply needed to make sure that my browser language was set correctly. Chrome was using 'English', but changing that to 'English (United Kingdom)' sorted it.

    • Ross Li

      We are still having problems with this. Changing browser settings and adding the globalization line in web.config both didn't do anything. If we click on system info, the popup would say the Client Culture Setting is en-US.