
Photo of One Life Christian Church


Workflow To Event Registration

I am sorry if this is a basic question. I have been looking all over for this. I am trying to find a way to register someone through a workflow. My plan is:

1. Someone texts and it is sent to workflow

2. We check to see if that person is in the system. If not they receive a link to fill in their basic info.

3. When we've verified they are in the system or received their information they are registered to an event

I have already figured out 1 & 2. But I am trying to find a way to take the information I have now to register them to an event.

Any ideas?

(BTW I am very new to all this)

**I'm sorry this posted twice and I am not sure how to delete it.**

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Unfortunately there are currently no Workflow actions that interface with Registrations. While the idea of adding registration (and payment) actions has been raised, it's not there, yet. I think your best best at this time would be to return a link to the event registration itself... yes, the person would have to complete the form, but you could at least provide a link that automatically logs them in, so the registration knows who they are and can auto-fill whatever info you want.

  • Photo of One Life Christian Church


    Thanks so much for the info.