
Photo of Dan Abbuhl


Check in - Seperating Girls / Boys

On Wednesdays, we have Mpact club for Girls and Royal Rangers for boys.

How do you offer classes for both without making a parent choose the class?

For example:

Grades 3 thru 5 has the following classes

Girls: Prims

Boys: Discovery Rangers

In check in, I can filter for age or grade but not gender.

So, when a child that is in 4th grade checks in, they are given the choice of which class they want to choose.

Is there any way around this?

This is fine and good on Sunday, where there is only 1 class for boys and girls and when they check in, they automatically go to the Elementary class.  But when we have classes specifically for boys or girls, how do you set this up in Rock?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Dan- Are your gender-based classes physically separate locations, or just divided up within the same space? We solve this by having both genders check into the same Group, (eg 3rd grade) but *printing* on their label the gender.. example: "3rd Grade - Boys". Would that help in your case?

  • Photo of Dan Abbuhl


    The check in area would be the same.  The rooms are different.  Girls could go into 1 of 4 rooms, and boys 1 of 2 rooms. 

    So, just to have it say 3rd grade - Girls would mean that they would be in 1 of 4 rooms and wouldn't be descriptive enough for security.

    Is there a way to add a gender filter along with the age and grade filters? 

    • Jim Michael

      Unfortunately, not without modifying the core check-in components. Possible? Yes. Practical? Unlikely.