
Photo of Mark West


Trouble installing Rock - An error occurred creating database. Message: Execution Timeout Expired.

I am trying to install Rock on an Azure VM. I have been following the documentation. I got to the point where I was installing Rock and I Keep getting this error:

That Wasn't Suppose To Happen An error occurred creating database. Message: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Current Script: /*

This function returns all the groups of a selected type that geofence the geopoint of the given location
LocationId, Group.* The location id to use for the geopoint The Group type to use for finding groups SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ufnGroup_GeofencingGroups](14, 24) */ CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGroup_GeofencingGroups] ( @LocationId INT ,@GroupTypeId INT ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT L2.[Id] AS [LocationId] , G.* FROM [Group] G INNER JOIN [GroupLocation] GL ON GL.[GroupId] = G.[Id] INNER JOIN [Location] L ON L.[Id] = GL.[LocationId] AND L.[GeoFence] IS NOT NULL INNER JOIN [Location] L2 ON L2.[Id] = @LocationId AND ((L2.[GeoPoint].STIntersects(L.[GeoFence])) = 1) WHERE G.[GroupTypeId] = @GroupTypeId

What do I need to do?

  • Photo of David Stevens


    I've set up several Azure VM's but haven't seen that error before.  Did you try deleting the database and restarting the install?  The installer will create a new database, you don't need to set one up. 

  • Photo of Mark West


    That worked. Thank you.