
Photo of Don Smallman


email statistics not working


Does anyone know why the Mailgun email statistics would stop showing up in the Rock communications history?



  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Is the webhook URL you configured in Mailgun still valid? Look at what it's set to and see if you can browse to it from an Internet client.

    • Jim Michael

      Your mailgun account should be pointing at the Rock webbook, something like If mailgun cannot get to that URL, you won't have any stats. I'm only mentioning it in case you recently changed your public domain, and now Mailgun can't get to the old URL. You can easily verify if the webhook is accessible by browsing to it.

    • Don Smallman

      Thanks Jim!

      We didn't really change it. The RMS system moved from to

      But I am pretty sure that the problem existed before the move. I will test the webhooks though.

    • Don Smallman

      Yes, just finished doing that and they now test fine. Duh... :-) Not sure why that was not obvious to me when I first looked at those. Thanks for your help!