
Photo of Holly Kemp


Exporting Attendance

I have created a group in group finder and set it up to take attendance.  So every week I go in and check mark the people that were at service.  What I would like to do is export my attendance report so I can see when someone has missed.  Is that possible?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    One possibility is something like this old Shoulder The Boulder post:

    You can also use the "Attendance Analytics" tool (in your "Tools" menu) to get graphs or per-person data like this:

    Please let us know if you want more details about either of these solutions, or if you'd like a different format from either of these, and we'll see what we can do =)

  • Photo of Holly Kemp


    Michael,  I would love to get the Attendance Analytics to work.  I made a group in group viewer and I have been taking attendance for about a month.  What do I need to do to get it to show up in analytics?  Also, once I get analytics to work...can I have it show only the people that have misses two Sundays in a row?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    You can include any group types as additional options by modifying the Attendance Analytics block settings. Here's an example from the demo site where I've included groups of type "Small Group":


    And the result:


    (Pro tip: you can click on the "Groups" or "Small Group" headings to select/deselect all of the groups below them in one click)

    Now, to your other question: yes and no =)

    You can get a list of people who missed the last two weeks (or any two specific weeks). An example would be this: once a week, come in to this block and set the date range to "last 3 weeks", then set the pattern to "Attended at least 1 week for the selected date range, and missed at least 2 weeks", providing the dates of the last two weeks there. For instance, if you ran that report today, it would look like this:


    This will give you a list of people who attended 3 weeks ago, and have now missed the last 2 weeks. People on that list this week will not be on next week's list; think of this as a list of "newly added" people to the list of people who missed 2 weeks in a row.

    If that's too narrow and you want to include people who missed the last 3, 4 or 5 weeks as well, you could change it to include people who have attended at least once in the last 2 months, and missed at least 2 weeks in the last 2 weeks.

    But you can't ask it for a list of people who missed 2 weeks in a row anywhere within a 2 month window, for instance.

    Does that help?